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Sunday, 23 February 2025


Myth-Busting Post Truth Around Vaccinations

The 10th Vaccine Updates (the  10th VU) merupakan bagian dari Omni Vaccinology Conferences 2025 yang dipersembahkan oleh Yayasan BSI. the 10th VU adalah seminar hybrid yang tepat bagi para rekan sejawat untuk mendapat informasi dan pengetahuan tentang vaksinasi terbaru tahun 2025. Dengan mengusung tema Myth-Busting Post Truth Around Vaccinations, kami harap seminar ini mampu mendukung para dokter, perawat, dan rekan sejawat lainnya untuk mengedukasi, memperkuat kepercayaan diri, serta membekali mereka dengan informasi yang berbasis bukti ilmiah terkini. Kami percaya bahwa kolaborasi dan berbagi ilmu antar rekan sejawat adalah kunci untuk melawan misinformasi yang berkembang di masyarakat


Fasilitas Peserta the 16th Omni CV

Bertemu pembicara-pembicara yang juga merupakan vaksinator berpengalaman dan ahli dalam bidangnya.

Akses ke dalam forum terbatas bagi para pemilik klinik dan vaksinator dalam membahas topik vaksinasi terkini.

Kesempatan untuk mengikuti training secara langsung dalam kegiatan workshop.

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The 16th OMNI Comprehensive Vaccinology 2024

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Prof. DR. Dr. Iris Rengganis, Sp. PD-KAI | Prof. Cissy B. Kartasasmita, dr, MSc, PhD, Sp. A (K) | Prof. DR. Dr. Soedjatmiko, SpA(K), M.Si | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adli Ali, MD(UKM), Dr. Paed(UKM), DPhil(Oxon) | Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, SpA(K) | Prof. Dr. dr. Hinky Hindra Irawan Satari, Sp. A, Subsp. I.P.T., M.Trop.Paed. Pediatric Specialist | Prof. DR. Dr. Gatot Soegiarto, Sp. PD-KAI​, FINASIM | Prof. dr. Muchtaruddin Mansyur, MS, PKK, PGDRM, Sp.Ok, Ph.D | Sukamto Koesnoe, SpPD-KAI MD, Ph.D | dr. Nina Dwi Putri, Sp A.SubspIPT(K), M.Sc | Dr. dr. Muhammad Alamsyah Aziz, Sp.OG-KFM, KIC, M.Kes Head of Academic Section, PP POGI | Dr. dr. Bernie Endyarni Medise, Sp.A (K), MPH Pediatrician | dr. Yudhi Pramono, MARS. Plt. Dirjen P2P Kemenkes | dr. Kristoforus Hendra Djaya, Sp.PD, MBA | dr. Meta Melvina | dr. Olieve Indri Leksmana | dr. R. FX. Octo Irianto

AGENDA (Tentative)

07.00 – 07.55

Registration Online & Offline

Host Announcement & Housekeeping, Open Online Platform 

Morning Coffee 

The 16th OMNI Comprehensive Vaccinology 2024

07.55 – 08.35

Opening Remarks: Embracing Preventive Medicine to Improve Individual Health & Well-Being  

dr. Kristoforus Hendra Djaya, SpPD, MBA - CEO & Founder of inHarmony Group

Vaccine Equity: Building Vaccination Awareness To Leave No-One Behind

(inHarmony & BSI Foundation)

dr Meta Melvina  - Chairperson of BSI Foundation 

Keynote Speech: Improving Nationwide Childhood Immunization Programs to Leave No-One Behind

dr. Yudhi Pramono, MARS. - Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (Ditjen. P2P) Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

The 16th OMNI Comprehensive Vaccinology 2024 Opening Ceremony

08.35 – 09.50

Session 1 : Current Recommendation Updates in Vaccinology

Plenary Lecture: Update on PAPDI Recommendation 2024 and PAPDI Recommendation for Vaccination in Special Condition to Leave No One Behind 

Sukamto Koesnoe, Sp.PD-KAI MD, Ph.D, Chairman of Adult Immunization Task Force, Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine

Plenary Lecture: PERDOKI Recommendation for Vaccination in the Workplace

Dr. dr. Suryo Wibowo, M.KK, Sp.Ok , Occupational Medicine Specialist Consultant  

Advocating Vaccination Recommendation to Public & Private Insurance to Leave No One Behind

Prof. Dr. dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi, Sp.PD-KAI, FACP, FINASIM Professor, Division of Allergy Immunology, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia – Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital 

09.55 – 11.30

Session 2: Current Trend in Vaccinology

Shingles Burden of Disease and Its Novel Prevention

Update on IDAI Immunization Schedule (2024) and The Need to Advocate Additional Vaccines 

Risk and impact of Influenza Vaccination for Pregnancy and It's Novel POGI Recommendation 

Dr. dr. Muhammad Alamsyah Aziz, Sp.OG-KFM, KIC, M.Kes

Head of Academic Section, PP POGI

The Additional Value of 5 Serotype in Nonavalent HPV Vaccine

Associate Professor Derrick Chen-Wee Aw, dermatologist, physician. Sengkang 
General Hospital, Singapore

Childhood PCV Program in Indonesia and It’s Progress: Leaving No One Behind? 

Prof. Dr. dr. Cissy B. Kartasasmita, MSc, Ph.D, Sp.A(K) – Professor, Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran  

Affordable PCV13 to Improve Pneumococcal Vaccine Uptake and
Leave No One Behind 

Alfira Noviantari Belasari, MBBS

12.40 – 13.55

Session 3: Advocating the Overlooked Burden of Diseases

15 For All: Protecting People of All Age with Better and Broader

Pneumococcal Vaccine 

Rontgene Solante, MD, FDPCP, FDPSMID

Better & Sustainable Protection From Typhoid Infection with
Novel Conjugated Vaccine 

Dr. dr. Bernie Endyarni Medise, Sp.A (K), MPH Pediatrician - Social Pediatric Growth and Development Expert

Update on Rabies - Transmitting Animal Bites in Human : Closing the Rabies Immunization Gap 

dr. Asep Purnama, Sp.PD. Internal Medicine Specialist and Consultant

Novel Updates on Dengue Vaccination Recommendation to Leave No One Behind

Prof. Dr. dr Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, Sp.A(K)- Head Of Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI)

Shingles Burden of Disease and Its Novel Prevention 

Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, Sp.PD-KAI Chairperson of PP PERALMUNI

Session 4: The Updates on Vaccinology and Beyond

13.55 - 15.00

The Role of Vaccines in Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance

Prof. Dr. dr. Hinky Hindra Irawan Satari, Sp. A, Subsp. I.P.T., M.Trop.Paed.- Professor, Pediatrician - Expert in Infections and Tropical Paediatrics

Monkeypox Outbreak: Do We Really Need the Vaccine? 

Prof. Dr. dr. Gatot Soegiarto, Sp.PD-KAI. FINASIM. Vice Chairperson of PP Peralmuni 

ENGLISH SESSION: The Role of Genetics Affecting Vaccination: Vaccinomics & Adversomics 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adli Ali, MD(UKM), Dr.Paed(UKM), DPhil(Oxon). Hospital Pakar Kanak-Kanak UKM, Malaysia

The 4th Comprehensive Vaccinology Workshop & Discussion 2024


15.00 – 15.30

Workshop Registration & Introduction to CV Workshop Session Assignment

Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims & 

Dr. M. D. Daniel Hadinoto, Sp.KP, DTM, CTH, (ISTM), (AsMA) 

Corporate and Last-Minute Travelers

Dr. M. D. Daniel Hadinoto, Sp.KP, DTM, CTH, (ISTM), (AsMA)

Women Travelers

By dr. Levina S. Pakasi

Youth Travelers

By dr. Levina S. Pakasi

Modifying Immunization Schedule for Infant and Young Children Travelers

By dr. Martinus M. Leman, DTMH, Sp.A.CTH

Workshop A: Vaccinate

15.30 – 18.00


Pre-Travel Vaccination for Special Group Travelers


Workshop B:  Educate 

15.30 – 18.00


Managing Expectations Pre-Vaccinations 


Discussing and Scheduling Catch-Up Vaccinations with Parents: Should We Do Simultaneous Vaccination? 

By dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Sp.A(K), M.Sc. 

Pre-vaccination Education: What to Tell Patients Before They Receive Vaccination 

dr. Sari Yuliyani

VAERS Mitigation Plan, Practical ICV Printing, and Hands On Skill Station: Injection Techniques 

dr. F.X Octo Irianto, Ns. Erna Luthfiana, Ns. Eli Fitri, Vaccinologist, inHarmony 

Welcome & Introduction 

Setting the Scene: Current Vaccination Landscape 

Dr. Kristoforus Hendra Djaya, SpPD, MBA

Understanding Patient Psychology and Communication Techniques 

Frans Budi Santika, Humani Santika Consulting 

Practical Approaches to Vaccination Conversations 

By Dr. Kristoforus Hendra Djaya, SpPD, MBA &  dr Shane Tuty Cornish, CBS, IBCLC 

Role Play: Practicing Conversation with Patients 

Frans Budi Santika, Humani Santika Consulting 

Motivational Segment: Inspiring Confidence and Commitment 

Frans Budi Santika, Humani Santika Consulting 

Closing Remarks & Next Steps 

Frans Budi Santika, Humani Santika Consulting 

Workshop C:  Advocate

15.30 – 18.00


Empowering Healthcare Professionals: Effective Strategies for Discussing Vaccination During Patient Consultations 

by GSK

Building Simple but Sustainable Social Media Presence to Promote Vaccination in Your Clinic 

Prasetya Susandy S.Ds 

, Marketing & Multimedia Creative Team Head, inHARMONY 

Leveraging Google SEM to Get More  Patient for Your Clinic 

dr. Gery Wilianto, CEO, DokterHUB

POCT Medical Check Up as an Instant Opportunity to Grow Small Clinic 

dr. Olieve Indri Leksmana, Sp.OK, Sales Director, inHarmony

Easy Steps to Register Your Clinic to BBKK and Start Vaccinating Meningococcal Vaccine!

Mr. Theodorus Herry Prisaptono 

inHARMONY Business Development Manager 

InHARMONY Franchisee Ecosystem 

Den Bagus Anida, S.Pd, inHARMONY Franchisee Account Supervisor

Workshop D :  Develop

15.30 – 18.00


VINI, VIDI, VICI : I See, I Do, I Win

By inHarmony PREVENTA 

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